Introductory Statement

Introductory Statement of CPO

International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness (ISKCON) is committed to the well-being of all individuals involved with ISKCON, especially children, and other more vulnerable participants.

ISKCON recognizes that children, for their full and harmonious development, need to be raised in an atmosphere of love, support, guidance, and understanding. ISKCON acknowledges that children, when so raised, are likely to play a vital role in the future of our Society. Thus, placing the interests of the children first is not only in the best interest of the children themselves but also of ISKCON and society at large.

ISKCON affirms that children have the need and the right to be protected, nurtured, and guided. This includes the right of all children and young people to live in an environment where they are protected from exploitation and abuse and to actively participate in temple/devotional activities within the ISKCON community.

Thus, for ISKCON, the protection of children is paramount. All persons who associate with ISKCON should be able to trust with confidence those within ISKCON who associate with, care for, and minister to them. This principle is especially true for children. The violation of trust through abuse or harassment of children by ISKCON leadership, clergy or other personnel is a source of great pain and disturbance for those directly affected, as well as the greater Vaisnava community and society at large.

Any credible report of child maltreatment to the CPO or a CPT will be taken seriously and should receive a confidential, adequate, consistent, and sensitive response. ISKCON Child Protection Office Policy & Operational Guidelines 4 ISKCON will comply with all obligations of both civil and ecclesiastical law. It will endeavor to prevent abuse and harassment to the fullest extent possible, provide education and guidance as appropriate, and promote healing and empowerment when needed.

No person, who has been determined to have engaged in severe maltreatment of children, will be allowed to remain active in a position of authority or trust within ISKCON, this includes activities such as leading kirtan, giving class, speaking publicly at any ISKCON event or representing ISKCON in official capacities. This sanction is to avert future threats to children and to society as well as to honor and respect those who have been impacted by abuse.

Such actions violate civil and criminal laws as well as Vaiṣṇava spiritual principles and are outside the scope of the duties, employment, and engagement of all personnel. ISKCON will not tolerate any such criminal behavior. This policy applies to all temples, centers, projects, and activities within ISKCON.

Balanced care will be taken to protect the rights of all parties involved, particularly any person who claims to have been abused, as well as the person against whom an allegation has been made. Should an accusation be found accurate, every reasonably possible step will be taken to protect the abused person and prevent the accused from ever again endangering any vulnerable person within ISKCON. Conversely, should an accusation be proven unfounded, every reasonable step will be taken to help protect and restore the good name of the person falsely accused.

In sum, the intention of ISKCON in offering these Guidelines is to promote a balanced expression of acknowledgment, support, healing, and empowerment based on the underlying and unwavering principle that acts of abuse or harassment by ISKCON clergy and personnel will not be tolerated.

In support of that principle, the disclosure of alleged abusive conduct will be promptly addressed; the accused will be confronted with a view to doing justice; the alleged victim will be supported throughout this process; the accused will receive a fair hearing; all parties shall be acknowledged, respected and shown civility at every stage. If the accusation is found to be unsubstantiated it will be publicly acknowledged as such, if appropriate. If the accusation is substantiated, appropriate discipline will be instituted with the view to protect the victim and the community and to prevent abusive behavior in the future.